Recipe: Perfect Cloud eggs

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Cloud eggs. Move over poached and so long over-easy — there's an even happier way to eat eggs. Say hello these nests of puffy whipped egg whites with a sunshine yolk center. Create a small indent in the centre of the egg whites with the back of a spoon.

The method is also quite versatile, perfect for playing around with different flavors by changing the type of cheese used, adding minced herbs, even stirring in some crumbled bacon or a few spices. Then the results can be eaten all on their own, used to top salads or grain bowls, or set upon an. Line a baking sheet with a silicone liner (such as Silpat®) and butter lightly. You can have Cloud eggs using 3 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Cloud eggs

  1. You need of oeuf.
  2. It’s of Épices aux choix.
  3. Prepare of Sel & poivre.

Reserve the yolk in a separate, smaller bowl. Cloud eggs or eggs nests, whatever you call them they are a delightful way to prepare eggs! You basically whip up the egg whites, form cloud or nest shapes with the whipped egg whites, and plop the egg yolk in the center, and bake. Oh yes, and some grated cheese is folded into the whipped egg whites.

Cloud eggs instructions

  1. Préchauffer le four à 200 °C.. Cassez l'œuf puis separez les blancs d'œufs du jaune, gardez le blanc dans un bol et le jaune dans sa coquille pour plus tard..
  2. Assaisonnez le blanc d'œuf de Sel et épices de votre choix puis fouettez le blanc d'œuf jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient mousseux et qu'il se tienne à l'aide d'un fouet électrique..
  3. Déposer le blanc d'œuf fouetté en forme de nuage rond sur une plaque à pâtisserie, en faisant un puits au milieu.. Enfournez le nuage de blanc d'œuf pendant 5 à 6 minutes..
  4. Versez le jaune d'œuf au milieu du nuage blanc avant de remettre au four pendant 3 minutes.. 🌸Bonne appétit🌸. Cloud eggs

More cheesy structure for the nest. Cloud eggs, also known as eggs in a cloud, are whipped egg whites that are baked, then topped with the egg yolk, and baked again, until it's cooked as desired. Some people like to take the chill off and not have it at all set, while others like to cook it longer so that it's set and cooked through. Lately they have become the next avocado flower or pimped up smoothie bowl on Instagram. People have been happily snapping their cloud eggs for everyone's visual enjoyment.

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