How to Cook Delicious Mug egg

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Mug egg. Crack egg into a microwave-safe mug; beat until even in color. Pour in milk and beat until light yellow in color. Add a tablespoon of milk or water and mix.

Eggs in a mug is a quick and simple way to make an omelet or scrambled eggs! Here are a few more egg recipes we think you'll love – Easy Egg Spinach Casserole, Best Hard-Boiled Eggs, Eggs in Toast, and Croissant Omelet Casserole. Crack two eggs into the mug, add salt and pepper, then scramble with a fork. You can have Mug egg using 4 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Mug egg

  1. You need of oeuf.
  2. Prepare of tranche de jambon.
  3. You need of poivron rouge.
  4. It’s of cuillère a soupe d'emmental râpé.

Add eggs and milk to mug, season with salt and pepper and stir with a fork until well blended (be sure to break yolk or it can burst). Basic Egg Mug: Spray a large mug or bowl with cooking spray. The exact cooking time will depend on your microwave. Now let's talk toppings for a second.

Mug egg step by step

  1. Battez l'œuf avec du poivre et du sel. Ajouter la tranche de jambon taillé en petit morceaux, le poivron coupé en petits dès et l'emmental râpé.
  2. Mélangez et versez dans une tasse et faite cuire 2 minutes au micro-ondes.

Combine flour, sugar, milk, cocoa powder, olive oil, and baking powder in a large mug and mix well. Stir in chocolate chips and almonds. An egg, because what would eggs in a mug be without the egg Though, if you so desire use egg whites. Veggies and or meats (cooked) of choice (Optional) Sharp Cheddar Cheese (Shredded) Cooking Spray. Directions: Lightly spray the inside of the mug.

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